Elwins Last Stand: Part Nineteen (3)
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That night, Elwin invited everyone from his group to the command meeting with the five generals who brought one of their officers along, and the leaders who commanded the supply line, scouts, and civilian regiment. Twenty-six would be in attendance altogether.

Elwin sat in the middle of the large tent with Pharom, Dain, Aienik, Darunia, Flaryn, Aithlin, Dirra, Qildor, and Cargwyn circling him on the floor. The officers stood back and listened, with their only objective being to report back to the rest of the officers and squad leaders.

Erlan and Penelo sat relaxed on the floor while Ievis, Saida, and Cailu stood by the entrance, alert to any unwanted presence. Shalendra found a spot next to her new best friend Alea as they chatted quietly in the back. The pair that captured the attention of all in at...

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