Elwins Last Stand: Part Fifteen (2)
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Penelo stumbled, putting Fariane in a position to charge or watch her get mauled. Arm brace for the impact, Fariane reacted.

The claw caught flesh, and she screamed.

Agony flamed to life. The pain trailed down her cheek in a spray of blood she couldn't see. Vision ripped away, plunging her into darkness.   


Penelo screamed moments from her demise, thoughts only of her friend clutching her face.

Blood spilled from a gash along Vanima's side, the price for her intervention. She pounced on top of the shadows looming over Penelo. Teeth and claws tore into its flesh, distracting it long enough for Fariane to thrust her sword into its chest, hand still pressed to her mutilated face.

Stand your ground, Penelo. Fariane needs yo...

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