DALTMG-Entry 4
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     My Dearest Aliyah,

     I want to tell you a smidge about myself.

     I’m 54 years old with the body of about a 74 year old.  I’ve had a ton of surgeries and have very few original body parts left.  I’ve been beaten up a lot, physically, and emotionally, and I’ve almost died several times from sickness, surgery, and abuse.  But, I’m still here---and breathing---and the men who abused me…are not.  That’s their fault.  They abused their own bodies, too.  I am sorry, though, that they’re not here to see you.

     I’m an author.  I have been since I was a teen, but only published in the last 4 years.  I love writing, and researching, and li...

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