Dan Williams: Diary of a Detective Day 3. Spiral of death
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I can’t move. I’m lying in bed felling numb from head to toe. Someone is knocking on the door. Someone is saying my name. I recognize the voice, it’s Catarina. I’m too tired. I can’t get up or reply to her pleas.  How long have been? Two days, a week, maybe more.

The noise is gone. Maybe I took too many pills, maybe I drank too much, but one thing is sure, I feel nothing anymore.

The silence takes over me and there’s nothing else. Just emptiness. Suddenly I hear someone brutally knocking on the door.

‘Detective Dan Williams open this door immediately! It’s an order!’

It’s Chief Frank Amaral. He’s yelling like a father does to his kids when they misbehave.

I respect him too much. In a very sad and depres...

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