chapter twelve- levi
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    when i was a kid i spent a lot of time to myself. i liked my sister and my mom a lot, so i just decided it was better to spend time with them. the other kids were confusing to me. they were always so loud and they wanted to play things i never wanted to play. i didn’t like boys much at first, they were mean and i just was too tired to be bothered with that shit. i tried hanging out with girls but i didn’t like what they were doing either, so i kept to myself. i didn’t mind, i wasn’t unhappy about it because i had tara and my mom.

    i liked to paint, but i wasn’t good at it. i liked to run but i was slow. i liked to sing but i had a shitty voice. i slowly began to realize i wasn’t good at much. then i got older and realiz...

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