chapter eight- levi
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she led me to the facility and the nurse didn’t ask about my parents. i guess tara explained it to her. i should have been more surprised that my dad didn’t stop by, but i wasn’t. he cared about me, but i was not top priority i guess. or maybe tara hadn’t told him yet. either way i did not really care. i did not want him to come anyways; he’d sit there and ask me how i was and once i said good, it would be good enough for him. and then he would say good and then i would mumble good under my breath. then he would say he needed a cigarette and walk out. he would not return until tara came in with him. he liked tara better than me anyways, she was better at communicating. i already knew that.

tara had taken her hair out of her bun, her shirt still smelled s...

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