Hello Brian,

The strangest thing happened to me today as I was getting ready to leave my cell for rec. time. I began to hear the song of a bird I've never heard before right outside my cell window. The funny thing is I've probably heard hundreds of bird songs in my life, but to try and pick out a few is actually quite hard. 

'Chicka-dee-dee-dee' and an owl's hoot are all that really come to mind if I think about it. 

Believe it or not, I stopped to listen for what turned into at least ten minutes. I even shushed a friend of mine that stopped by my cell to walk with me and told her to go on without me. 



Bianca's Forth Letter
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 Hello Brian,

The strangest thing happened to me today as I was getting ready to leave my cell for rec. time. I began to hear the song of a bird I've never heard before right outside my cell window. The funny thing is I've probably heard hundreds of bird songs in my life, but to try and pick out a few is actually quite hard. 

'Chicka-dee-dee-dee' and an owl's hoot are all that really come to mind if I think about it. 

Believe it or not, I stopped to listen for what turned into at least ten minutes. I even shushed a friend of mine that stopped by my cell to walk with me and told her to go on without me. 


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