Hello Bianca,
I know I haven’t written in a while and it's- this is hard to explain, but, well, your actions shook me. Couple that with various other stressors -specifically in the form of outside ultimatums and my… exhaustive responses to them- the thought of writing you, let alone figuring out ‘what’ to write, if I found that I could, has been quite the dilemma.

Having horribly related that, I feel it necessary I get right to it and inform you I’ve been posting our letters to a website and turned them into series people can subscribe to; not that very many are doing so, but it’s been brought to my attention this constitutes a huge dec">


Brian's 13th Letter to Bianca (Sport Specific)
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Hello Bianca,
I know I haven’t written in a while and it's- this is hard to explain, but, well, your actions shook me. Couple that with various other stressors -specifically in the form of outside ultimatums and my… exhaustive responses to them- the thought of writing you, let alone figuring out ‘what’ to write, if I found that I could, has been quite the dilemma.

Having horribly related that, I feel it necessary I get right to it and inform you I’ve been posting our letters to a website and turned them into series people can subscribe to; not that very many are doing so, but it’s been brought to my attention this constitutes a huge dec...

Please subscribe to keep reading.

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