Letter from Jessika Yamaguchi to her parents, August 2, 2003
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Letter from Jessika Yamaguchi to her parents, August 2, 2003

Dear Parental Units,

I guess it’s been a while since I’ve written. What can I say? I’ve been busy.

Dori and I wrote a play, and it’s just as weird as I anticipated. It took us a bit longer than we wanted it to, mostly because she kept getting these “great ideas” of things to add to the play. Every time she added something, it meant we had to go back and change all of the little things that didn’t make sense any more. So it was quite the process. And this is why I hate group projects, by the way. Collaborative writing is always a chore. From here on out, I’m only writing by myself.

Anyway, we had the auditions a few days ago. We didn’t get much turn out, unf...

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