Letter from Jessika Yamaguchi to her parents, June 24, 2003
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Letter from Jessika Yamaguchi to her parents, June 24, 2003

Dear Parental Units,

I hope that you’re enjoying your summer without me while I wither away in this ridiculous camp. I am beginning to doubt the wisdom of my decision that camp is better than juvie. At least at juvie, I might occasionally get to hear a song that is not sung in terrible harmony or a round. Also, I think the people are nicer. And no, I’m not being facetious.

I’d like to propose an alternative. I have, since my arrival at camp, been on my absolute best behavior. Yes, there was a complaint made against me, but the counselors proved that it was completely unfounded. Because I’m behaving myself. If you speak with any of the counselors here, or even the director of the camp, they’ll tell...

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