Chapter 22: Sand Castle (3)
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names. The Order of the Snake, Order of the Pharaoh, Order of the North Star. That’s what they go by... Order of the Minaret, Order of the Spider, Order of the Assassin.”

I have them. He looked down at them from his elevated platform and did his best to contain a sneer. It was becoming too easy. In the early days, there were debates. Oh, how he missed the debates...

“Their power lies in secrecy. They meet in secret chambers in some of the most remote places on Earth or beneath the waves in submersibles — fucking submarines! They meet on deserted islands and in areas illegitimately quarantined. We’ve proof of this! Armed guards with explicit orders to ‘shoot on sight’ guard their meetings because they know that if the truth of what they discuss ever got out, they woul...

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