Chapter 14: Declassified (2)
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his for truth but came away scarred as if looking into the sun. At the same time, the Major's expression softened somewhat.

"I can see that this has upset you greatly, Detective. If you feel that you need to file an incident report, I will not stand in your way. After all, Agency 0 and Unit 1 are on the same team. But if I may ask, Detective, how were you able to access Libra from a personal, unauthorized account?"

I cloned my SDC account and hacked my personal client to emulate my SDC terminal, she could have told him. Instead, she replied, "That's not the point."

The Major regarded her with a skeptic's eye. "What is the point, Detective?"

Police officers, detectives, clerks, and lawyers passed the two on either side in st...

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