Battle lines are drawn: Lupus is shocked in defeat; Aetius and Severianus become allies
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Germanus awoke early. He left Aureliana to sleep. They had been late going to bed. There had been much to talk about, and the Queen of the West Britons had been keen to hear what tactics her magister militum intended to employ now that the war was coming to a climax. Germanus smiled as he remembered the way she had pored over the plans and asked so many pertinent questions. But it was the way she ruffled her hair; the way she pursed and pouted her lip as she concentrated; the way she looked at him.

The way she looks at me! Just like Sevira all those years ago…

Germanus put on his remaining armour, ate the last of his jentaculum and went out to give final orders to his high command. He was impressed at the sight of the armies as they stood to attention a...

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