Constantius is no more; new alliances are being forged; Lupus makes a promise
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‘So, Bishop Severianus, we meet at last’.

The head of the Christian church for north Britannia smiled and saluted his guest.

‘Ex army, I see. Like most of your lot!’

‘And what is my lot, General Aetius?’

The general laughed.

‘Oh, military men gone soft through Christianity. If people like you had not deserted the cause, the Empire would not be in this great big bloody mess!’  

‘Not true, sir. The Christian church is one of the few things that is holding the west together these days – you mark my words, general. Even the great Germanus has turned to Christ! And, in any case, who says I have gone soft? I could still give you and your high command a run for their money any day!’

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