Blood and Ink: Love can be Cold (1)
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Blood and Ink:

Love can be Cold


The brass bell dangling above the front door clanged as the woman entered the tattoo shop.  Michael gazed up as she approached the counter.

“Hello,” she said.

Michael’s eyes studied her.  “How can I help you today?” he asked.

“I’d like to get a tattoo.”

He took a deep breath and then stood up.  “Just so you know, I don’t do custom designs or art.”

She nodded.  “Yes.  My friend came here to get her tattoo and she showed me hers.  It was really amazing.”

“Oh, what was her name?”


Michael turned away for a moment.  The girl instantly flashed before his eyes.  He remembered her all too well.  She was a sweet girl, with a terrible fortune in her skin.  He wondered if she was still alive or if the fortune had finally caught up with her.

“Well, this way.  We will see what your skin has to tell.”

“Sounds good.  I’m Jenna,” she said as she extended her hand.

“Michael,” he replied.

He gestured for her to proceed to the back room where a chair was waiting.  Jenna continued back and sat down.  He then began preparing his tools.  “This will hurt.”

“I know.  Just tell me when it’s done,” she replied as she closed her eyes.

Michael nodded and then started working.  He placed the needle to her skin and then let his hand guide him.  It was not long before an image started forming.  The ink flowed into the skin and took shape.  Haunting images of a man’s face, a woman’s face, and a snake’s head, a white cobra, appeared in vivid detail.

Images flooded Michael’s mind as he saw Jenna’s fortune.  The screams, the pain and the blood.  His eyes burned with tears as the energy tore through his nerves, running sharply down into his fingertips.  He could feel the pain transferring into the art.

Gasping as the purge suddenly ended, Michael let his hand drop as he collapsed back into the chair behind him.

Jenna opened her eyes as she heard his gasp and gazed down at the tattoo.  “What the fuck is this!” she snapped.

Michael swallowed hard.  “You asked for a tattoo.  This is what your skin has to tell.”

She stood up from the chair, glaring at him.  “You fucking idiot!  This was supposed to be a cool tattoo.  But all I have is my boyfriend’s face, my best friend Cammy, and his pet snake.  This is so fucked up!  Change it, now!”

Michael’s eyes locked on her own.  “Listen to me, you would be wise to leave him alone.  Go stay somewhere or stay with family.  You go back to him, you will find this to be your fate.”

Jenna’s eyes widened.  “I’m not paying for this!”

Michael pointed to the door.  “There’s the door then.  Good luck.”

Jenna stormed out of the store.  He watched her leave. 


Jenna continued out into the street and then continued to where her car was parked.  She pulled her cell phone out of her purse, but then decided she would call her friend later.  She couldn’t believe she fell for a con.

She started the car, but gazed down at the fresh tattoo.  She wondered how he knew what her boyfriend looked like.  “Bastard must’ve been put up by someone.”  She abruptly turned the car off and headed back into the store. 

Michael looked up at her as she entered again.  “Who put you up to this.  Was it my friend?”

“No one put me up to anything.  Your skin tells the story.  I just draw the story out with ink.”

Jenna huffed and turned again, stopping at the door.  “I’m going to fucking sue you for this.”

Michael shook his head as she left again.  “You’ll be long dead before then,” he said coldly.




 Jenna pulled into the driveway.  Her eyes suddenly widened as she saw her friend’s car in the driveway.  “What’s Cammy doing here?”      

She quickly opened the door, got out, and then slammed the door behind her.  She then headed inside. 

“Oh baby, Oh baby, yes!”

Listening to the woman yelling from the other room, Jenna felt her pulse jump.  It was Cammy’s voice.  Rage swept over her.  She instinctively went to the kitchen quietly and grabbed her gun.  She then turned and cautiously walked into the bedroom. 

Her boyfriend Trevor and Cammy were both under the sheets.  “You’re cheating on me?”

Trevor froze.  “Listen, I can explain.”

Jenna...Continue Reading

Next: Blood and Ink: Love can be Cold (2)

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