Before the U.S. Supreme Court


The Post Office appealed the lower court's ruling directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is allowed when a court rules that a federal statute is unconstitutional. The court reversed Judge Connor's decision by a seven to">


Chapter Eleven: Going Door to Door (2)
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and ruled that the statute was unconstitutional:


Plaintiffs have shown that the burden on their ability to communicate ideas, pos- itions on local issues and civic information to their constituents is substantial.


The court concludes that the cost to free expression of imposing this burden out- weighs the showing made by the Postal Service of its need to enforce the statute to promote effective delivery and protection of the mails.


Before the U.S. Supreme Court


The Post Office appealed the lower court's ruling directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is allowed when a court rules that a federal statute is unconstitutional. The court reversed Judge Connor's decision by a seven to...

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