The Abduction (Part 2)
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 'You abducted me in order to force me to marry you?'


 'Abducted? No, no, this is not an abduction. It is an elopement, as the note you left for your parents explains.'

 'What note?' I demanded, gripping the edges of my seat. 

 He looked surprised. 'Why, the note explaining you can't go through with your betrothal to Mr Brand because you've fallen for me. That, in order to avoid painful explanations, we've decided to elope together.' 

 'I do not see how you could have arranged for such a note. And, what’s more, it will be known for a lie as soon as the letter I received, purporting to be from Mr Brand, is found.'

 'Perhaps. Except the letter is not there to be foun...

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