An Unlikely Crew (Part III)
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In the passenger cabin, Chaos erupted as a line of holes punched through the side of the aircraft, a man fell to the floor in a heap clutching his chest.

“Move your asses!” Reggie yelled at the passengers as he hung the intercom up and scrambled to the front of the cabin, He yanked open a large metal locker, revealing a line of clean, oiled weapons.  

“What the hell is going on?!” a man whimpered from the floor nearby.

“What does it look like?” He pulled a repeater from the locker and tossed it to the stunned man. “We’re under attack! Now move it!!”

“But… I don’t…” the man stammered as he fumbled with the weapon. The aircraft suddenly tilted to the side, causing everyone to stumble. Reggie pulled...

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