Chapter 9: Mr. Tambourine Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! (Holy Shatner!) (1)
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Back during my late teens, I was browsing the local record store with Nigel. During our perusal, Nigel discovered a CD called Spaced Out! A Unique Collection Of Songs By Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner. We were immediately struck by the utter ridiculousness of Star Trek's Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock making music. This brilliantly illogical concept made the pair of us giggle like school girls. Once I overcame the giddiness, I knew I had absolutely no other choice but to purchase the album.

Leonard Nimoy's contributions were a little bit on the cheesy side. It bordered on bad, but his singing was a tad bit too good to elevate the songs to the so-bad-it’s-good category. Also, Nimoy's Spock oriented inspired material would be of interest to Trekkies. I had a mild appreciation but I certa...

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