Chapter 20: I am Going to Make It through This Year If It Kills Me
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As already mentioned, a record number of people in my life had died in 2008. Just as things were starting to look up in my relationship with Prudence, we had to call it off. It is true that numerous deaths and an end of a relationship made for a pretty sucky year, but the hits just kept on coming.

Out of all of the chaos of 2008, the earth shattering event of the year was that your grandfather left your grandma after 31 years of marriage. He was having an affair with an extremely unlikable and miserable woman, who was also married. It was a whole lot for me to process. Much of what I believed to be true about my family and my parents having a happy marriage proved to be a sham. I mean my relationship with my dad was somewhat distant, but I was comforted by the belief that at least he and...

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