Chapter 18: Everyone Is Dying and Maybe It’s Time to Live (2)
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the sequence of the song. Most important of all, one must find the perfect opening and closing tracks. It is like selecting the right music for the opening credits or just the right music for the climatic fight scene at the end of a movie. It helps set the tone and creates the intended mood.

I chose to close with “P.S. You Rock My World”. My opening song was by far the boldest selection I have ever made for an opening track. As the obligatory Ramones tune I chose a ditty I never had the guts to use before, “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”.

As soon as she begins to listen to the CD, my mission statement would be crystal clear from the get go. Even after I finished burning the CD, there was part of me that kept trying to talk me out of giving it to her. If it didn&rsquo...

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