“Same profession, different methods. Escorts have a list of clientele they work from. They are not just selling sex, they are selling the girlfriend experience without the drama. They are the beautiful, often intellectually stimulating woman on the arm of a business man with no emotional attachment.”

“I’m missing how that translates to embracing her sexuality or power.”

“Because you are not a man.” Lachlan closed his eyes for a moment. “Boys call women who embrace their sexuality whores and sluts. Men,” a smile blossomed across his face. “Men find it heady, attractive even. And used correctly, sex can be a very powerful tool.”

“Whatever. I guess demons find it heady too.” I muttered as I slipped into my jacket. &nb">


Chapter 12 - Veronica (3)
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margin-right:0in">“Same profession, different methods. Escorts have a list of clientele they work from. They are not just selling sex, they are selling the girlfriend experience without the drama. They are the beautiful, often intellectually stimulating woman on the arm of a business man with no emotional attachment.”

“I’m missing how that translates to embracing her sexuality or power.”

“Because you are not a man.” Lachlan closed his eyes for a moment. “Boys call women who embrace their sexuality whores and sluts. Men,” a smile blossomed across his face. “Men find it heady, attractive even. And used correctly, sex can be a very powerful tool.”

“Whatever. I guess demons find it heady too.” I muttered as I slipped into my jacket. &nb...

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