Chapter 31 (6)
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like they were being burned from the inside. Bursts of red liquid exploded from mouths and ears. Faces collapsed in on themselves. Eyelids peeled back to reveal blackening eyes. Cheeks melted away to show skeletal teeth. Clothing shrank in towards bodies, clinging to them like melted plastic.

The screams fell silent. Bodies continued to writhe around like snakes, until at last every sign of movement ceased, and finally even Sarah fell still. What remained of her blackened arms and face were barely recognizable under her light-blue dress, and as the scene drew quiet around him Nathaniel found himself entranced by her limp remains, his fists clenched up in shock and his heart caught in his throat.

With more effort than he thought he could manage, he forced himself to breathe, and he forced himself to blink....

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