Chapter One - Incision (1)
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Do you realize what you're worth? What you are really and truly worth, and not in some


Hallmark, heartwarming bullcrap kind of way? Dollars and cents - do you know how much


you're worth? You probably don't, probably never gave it a second thought, and that's where


people like me pounce like a wolf wearing your grandmother's clothes. My name is Doctor


Doyle Grimaldi and I know exactly what you're worth - without ever laying eyes on you, I know


exactly what you're worth down to the penny. The human body is a gold mine if you have the


knowledge and the means to dig as deep as you need to dig. I have both in spades. What you're


about to read may sicken you, shake you down to your foundations, and it probably should if


you're any kind of decent, compassionate person. For those who aren't, pay close attention - you


might learn something useful.




The voice on the other end of Janelle Townsend's phone carried all the desperation and


fear one would expect in a call received at two in the morning. Morgan Clarke was a journalist, a


damn good one, and a close friend since college. She'd been places like Afghanistan, Syria,


reporting on the front lines in the hottest of hot spots - anything that rattled her this much was


major to say the least.


“Morgan, Morgan… slow down. What you're saying doesn't make any sense…,” Janelle


murmured as she sat up in her soft bed and ran her fingers through her disheveled, raven-colored


hair. She hadn't heard from Morgan since their last reunion. What had been a close friendship

had gone the way of many such relationships when the obstacles of distance and busy schedules


are introduced into the mix.


“You're in danger, Janelle! Get to Pike Place Market - we can talk there!”


“Pike Place?! You're in Seattle?!” Janelle shot off the bed like a javelin. Morgan lived in


Boston, clear on the other side of the country. If she'd gone to the trouble and expense to come


out all this way to warn her, the situation had to be as dire as Morgan was making it sound.


“I'll… I’ll be there in twenty minutes…,” Janelle ended the disturbing call grabbing the


clothes closest to her trembling hands as she raced around her dark bedroom. She cast her eyes


towards her double windows and the rainy, beckoning world outside her spacious condo.


Satisfied that she was sufficiently dressed to face the cold and conceal her identity from anyone


set to do her harm, Janelle opened her nightstand and took out her Glock G43, stuffing it into her


purse. Owning a gun was a necessity for a single woman in a big city and the leading Medical


Examiner in the state. The rest of her journey from the sixth floor to the parking garage and her


Lexus coupe were a frantic, unnerving blur filled with memories of the time she and Morgan


climbed Mount Kilimanjaro on a post-graduation excursion and crashed a black-tie affair at the


home of the president of their Alma mater Stanford on a hilarious and ill-advised dare. She may


or may not have closed her front door as she ran to the stairs and practically spelunked the entire


way down to the too-quiet garage. The hand that wasn't strangling her pistol inside her purse


fumbled for her car keys as she approached her gleaming silver steed.


“I didn't know you lived in this building. Makes sense though. You work at the hospital,

right? University of Washington Medical Center? I… you probably think I'm some weird


stalker…,” the deep voice behind her and to her right caused Janelle to whip her body around to


face the person attached to the unwelcome greeting. It was the hunk from her Yoga class, the one


with the crystal blue eyes and the irresistible smile. She'd never gotten up the nerve to go talk to


him and meeting him under these conditions wasn't how she wanted to break the ice.


“I… I’m sorry. I'm in a hurry…,” she threw over her shoulder as she double-timed it to


her vehicle.


“Hey!” the well-built stranger moved to intercept Janelle with a speed that was


frightening given the circumstances. She pulled her pistol out of her purse and jerked her body,


facing her would-be attacker and leveling the gun at his head.


“Whoa! Take it easy! You're bleeding. I was just going to tell you you're bleeding…,” the


man threw his hands up into the air as the gun barrel entered his field of vision. Janelle’s hand


shook as time seemed to stand still. In all the years she'd owned it, she'd never pulled her firearm


on anyone, never even come close. Now, she was pointing it at someone who she knew

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