She was rubbing her head harder, thinking, trying to remember, crying, wondering, wondering if what he was saying was really true, and wondering what she could have been thinking if it was true.  Wondering how she got herself into this huge mess and let her precious gift slip away for a night of something she was never interested in before.  That was it, though, she hadn’t been thinking, not straight anyway, or this all would have never, ever happened.

     “What if I was your husband?”

     “Wwwwwwwwas what?”

     “Your husband.”

     “I ddddddddon’t love yyyyyyyou.  I hardly even kkkkkkkknow yyyyyyyyyou.”



LTL:Chapter 14 (2)
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margin-right:0in">     She was rubbing her head harder, thinking, trying to remember, crying, wondering, wondering if what he was saying was really true, and wondering what she could have been thinking if it was true.  Wondering how she got herself into this huge mess and let her precious gift slip away for a night of something she was never interested in before.  That was it, though, she hadn’t been thinking, not straight anyway, or this all would have never, ever happened.

     “What if I was your husband?”

     “Wwwwwwwwas what?”

     “Your husband.”

     “I ddddddddon’t love yyyyyyyou.  I hardly even kkkkkkkknow yyyyyyyyyou.”


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