Presence (2)
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To learn. To what purpose? She barely keeps her mind on the lawyers’ arguments or on what the witnesses say. She recognizes one of them. Harv. A shattered vet who sleeps in the park. His Alabama drawl stumbles, stops, starts again, like an old V-8 on an ice-cold morning. He has a nervous tic that makes his right eye blink wildly. When the lavender-encased defense lawyer questions him, he gives rambling answers. He can’t say exactly what he’d seen or heard. Thinks he saw Candy and the man in the park but only the man walked away. The prosecutor shakes his head, disgusted, as Lavender Lady beams with a self-satisfied smile. Harv is sent away, looking even more defeated than before, which is hard to believe. He walks back to the gallery, and his glassy eyes burn straight through Candy, as if he sees all the way...

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