Adult Fiction
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Completed Series

Young Adult

Titus Fogg

Titus Fogg hates magic, and with good reason. Born into a murderous family of cruel and powerful casters in modern Massachusetts, magic has contributed to every bad thing that has happened to him since birth. After finally managing to banish the most likely evil (but definitely dirty-minded) entity called Shade from his body to the sidelines as his shadow, Titus has the chance to have a normal, magic free, high school life. But, when Tess Roe, his classmate, neighbor and model of justice at their school realizes she can see the creatures Titus calls the Wyrd too, Titus must return to the world of the strange to help her. Soon Titus's dark past comes to light as he must prove that he isn't responsible for the death of one of Tess's friends, and the theft of a magical book that could lead to the destruction of Arkham.


On the day the riders came to town, they kidnapped Kella and brought her to Lord Perrin’s keep. To win her freedom, she must cure Perrin’s son from the magic poisoning his blood. Where Kella is from, it is dangerous if people find out that you are a magic-user. That’s why she and her mother had never settled in one spot for long—as soon as rumors started circulating about her abilities, she had to disappear fast. She never learned how to properly use her gifts. But at Perrin's keep she meets Taroy, who is tasked with guarding against her escape. He wants to protect her and keep her safe, but Kella is on her own when it comes to the magic that must be worked. In a race against time, Kella begins her journey to master the magic within and save Perrin's son—despite her fear that she is just not good enough to perform such complicated magic. Untested is a fantasy story for young adults that follows a young woman's journey of discovering that believing in yourself is a magic of its own.

The Spell of No’an (KIRINS: Book One)

A race of tiny magical beings lives on Earth today. They dwell in elaborate tree homes and mysterious underground sanctuaries. Because of an ancient dispute, humans are unaware of their hidden civilization.

They are kirins. 

For thousands of years they have lived in peace, but a deadly menace now threatens their existence. A party of daring explorers, led by the wise magician, Speckarin, is sent to destroy the evil lurking a continent and an ocean away. Failure of this mission would mean death to the voyagers and the entire kirin race. But their success will depend on aid from a truly unexpected source—human beings. 

Fly with these adventurers and witness today’s world as it has never before been seen. You will find yourself looking to the skies for this mystical race of beings, because maybe, just maybe…

YouTube Trailer:

The Cinnabar Box

A tiny Cinnabar box contains the key to the water supply of an entire planet. The planet's ecology depends on a great river that periodically overflows. Only the key's rightful owner can restore the water supply, which has been hidden for centuries. The task needs a trained army – but for now, it is in the hands of fifteen-year-old Donna, who has just learned a shocking secret about herself. Donna must survive in an alien reality where magic is commonplace and where she meets dangerous beings she previously considered the subjects of fairy tales. A nightmarish trip to the terrifying Wizard Island, a ghost town that imprisons visitors in its empty houses, and encounters with an evil renegade vizier determined to keep the planet a desert are just a few of her adventures. Donna is no superhero, but she relies on her wits and resourcefulness, knowing that first, she must save her kidnapped aunt, whatever it takes. Second, she must never, ever break the Wicca Code!

Myth and Environment: The Ecology of Nature Spirits

A portal to the enchanting world of Nature Spirits, this book allows you a tantalizing glimpse into the fascinating lives of elusive mythological beings who may have been living side by side with us since the beginning of time. You may have heard about some of them, but many others will surprise you! Unlike any other book written about these mythical beings, it shows how closely they are connected to the natural world and its ecology and how they interact with or even represent the environment. In addition, it brings to light a world that had never been explored before – the world of Urban Nature Spirits, who are said to have migrated with us into cities since Biblical times. You will explore mythology, history, literature, and psychology as you are shown how to study, observe, and understand these beings – the core of the natural world in all its myriad manifestations.


"A ship in harbor is safe.... but that's not what ships are built for..." ~ John A. Shedd

Lucy Foxe’s mother has been missing for six months when her dad packs her off to grief camp in the middle of senior summer. Unable to bear another minute of the place, and unwilling to accept that her mother is actually dead, Lucy breaks out and heads for home the first chance she gets. Unfortunately, a broken curfew is not the only problem she’ll face upon arriving there.  Her dad has now gone missing as well, leaving an inadequate note in the freezer and two threatening thugs in the hallway.

Lucy follows a trail of family lies back to Mackinac Island, Michigan, a home her parents left behind without explanation years ago. The island has long harbored an affinity for the supernatural and it is here that she reunites with her grandparents and eventually uncovers a mind-bending truth that her family has been hiding for centuries.

Lucy will struggle to maintain her moral compass in a world gone crazy, losing her heavy heart along the way. Eli will anchor her to the past and a life free from the madness, but can she forgive herself if she abandons her parents for his promises of safe harbor? Luke is a beacon towards a dangerous and unknown future, full of thrilling possibilities, but is she brave enough to jump into uncharted waters?

In the end she will be dragged back in time against her will to settle an old vendetta, and it will be in the past that she will finally see the future clearly and ultimately face the question of whether she is living a life or creating a destiny.


Jamie Hattori’s alter ego, the masked hero Kensei, has been doing pretty well protecting her neighborhood from petty villains with her martial arts skills, her father’s katana, and a little help from the local spirits. But things get rough when the spirits start flaking out, the Goddess of Discord throws a few cursed apples, and an online gossip site siccs an angry football player on her. Then there’s her slipping grades, the vampire owls, and the cute roller derby chick looking for romance. And even worse, Jamie’s hero-hating mom is starting to get suspicious. Can Jamie defeat her mysterious nemesis without tearing her family apart? And more importantly, will she score her first kiss?

Taking Comfort

Leanne had Cara when she was still a teenager.  Now that her daughter is sixteen she wants her to understand.  She writes about her past in a book, but nothing is straight forward.  Who was Leanne before she had Cara?   

Dark World

In 2078, sixteen-year-old Ruby R-1046 is introduced to her future mate, Connor C-2246. Over half a century after an alien invasion pilaged our oceans and messed up Earth's natural orbit, what is left of humanity has survived by living in a large underground fall-out shelter that began construction after satellites first picked up alien transmissions in 2016. The complex is governed by strict, almost sadistic laws such as once you reach age sixty, you are “put to sleep” because you are too old to be of use, and your life-mate is chosen for you via a genetic assessment for optimum breeding. No one is allowed near the surface and people are told the only living things above them in the wastelands that used to be our continents are cannibalistic monsters.

Ruby is ordered to marry Connor on her eighteenth birthday, but her heart wants someone else. She is in love with one of her best friends, Reese. On Ruby's sixteenth Birthday, Reese takes Ruby to a forbidden, sealed off passageway and introduces her to Silver, a strange and unkept young girl who has no ID chip and seems to know nothing about the complex. She tells them she is from Earth’s surface. As Ruby and Reese attempt to find out the truth about this unique stranger they slowly begin to uncover a sinister entanglement of lies, genocide and the governments willingness to destroy an entire planet in an attempt to control and “genetically improve” a whole new wave of humanity.

“Dark World” is formatted as a series of novellas, each one focusing on a particular event in the story as each event piles on top of the other to unravel the dystopian tyranny the government has managed to create underground. Although the plot itself is action-packed and designed to keep the readers on the edge of their seats, its the characters themselves that fuel the story with their passion, sense of adventure, love and dedication to one another. The main protagonist, Ruby, is the sixteen year old girl that almost every woman has been at some point. She enters this life-defining story at a pivotal place in her adolescence as she strives to make the leap from childhood to adulthood while caught in the middle of a world of lies that begins to crumble around her. As her beliefs are challenged and tested by these extraordinary events, she responds by clinging naively to love while also digging deep within herself to find her own personal signature of autonomy and bravery, a unique and solidified identity that we all search for as we face impending adulthood.


What if your best intentions cost the lives of innocents? Follow Fletcher, a Muay Thai fighter, as he becomes a crime fighting vigilante in order to keep his brother safe in a dangerous city. And share the burden of this young man as his actions turn him from a do-gooder to a criminal and murderer.

Kensei 2: The Love of Danger

Jamie Hattori can't get a break. As the superhero Kensei, she defeated the goddess Eris and figured her life could just get back to normal. Or, at least, as normal as things can be when you fight crime and can talk to the spirit world. But now her girlfriend is flaking out on her, her parents have separated, and a World War Two supervillain has come back from the dead with plots to kill Jamie. 

As if that wasn't bad enough, she has to deal with two of her least favorite people: her grandparents.

Fortier: Blood & Moon

Fortier is the story of Alfred Zeidan, a vicious, deadly and renowned vampire that secluded himself away from everyone for hundreds of years, until a message reaches him from his father calling for his return. 

Part of him knew that this was about the Bertrams, another family of vampires that are fierce rivals and sworn enemies of the Zeidans, in fact the sole reason why he shunned the world he grew up with was because of the fighting and long standing feud between the two families.

But alas, he returns... for better or worst.

Offensive Driving

Jamie Hattori, who fights crime as Kensei, is not the only superhero in her neighborhood. Traffic Enforcer is an obsessed vigilante with a grudge against vehicular crimes. When a demon-possessed car begins terrorizing her neighborhood, Jamie is torn between protecting her neighborhood, maintaining her school responsibilities, and protecting the neighborhood from the other "hero."

Cold Lungs

Rowan and Levi are two nineteen-year old’s living separate lives. They’ve grown up in New York City and at a young age experience the onset of depression that leads them through the rest of their lives. Rowan grows up, clinging onto other children, growing an obsession with other people, to where he always wanted to touch them and be around them. As time went on, it became worse and he ended up getting in trouble and was left feeling like he did not belong and only had an increased sexual urge for other people. Meanwhile, Levi grew up with a relatively happy childhood, but following the death of his mom he spiraled down into a deep depression, unable to face the reality that he lost the person he loved the most. Because his sister was like his mother, he found himself falling for his own sister because she was like her. Eventually, he developed a persona where he tried to be anybody but himself around whoever he could fit in with so he would not have to face the depression that plagued his mind. The two end up meeting in a mental health facility, which causes them to become closer in the worst possible setting. 

Lovely Summer's Shade

A young boy immigrating with his parents from India to Canada finds himself at the tip of curious experiences. Increasingly alienated from his parents who are busy with 'the mortgage' and bringing him up in their own images, Somu rebels silently against his parents expectations of what a boy should be like.

According to his parents he should be good at soccer and math and an outgoing sort. Or else, his mother warns, 'life in this country will only be harder'.

Unhappy and shy, Somu retreats into books about plants and the natural world, his true passion. He finds solace at his summer job in the reclusive Mrs Aich's garden. There he comes upon the mysterious cloud tree and learns of its magical powers.

Somu is whisked away to another world with the help of the cloud tree and realizes he is the village chief's much-loved son. He makes friends with the village folk, but crosses swords with the priest who has a sinister agenda - cutting away of the forest in the village. Though it is difficult for Somu to speak his views on the thing he most cares about, he is impelled to do so.

However, in the fracas, the priest is killed when the huge trunk of a tree falls on him. Will Somu be able to break free from his shyness and inertia, giving voice to his true feelings about the importance of a green earth? Does he return to the world he left behind?

Rozia's U-Log

In the year 3519 Rozia struggles to rebuild her shattered life.

She uses her U-log,  written in obscure Wordtext that only a few can read, to help herself to recover from  a serious injury,  to mend  a broken heart and to come to terms with a demanding new role. Will her new-found friends be able to help?  Especially when she meets an even greater challenge?

Rozia's U-Log, a heart-wrenching and life-affriming story, bridges the gap between books two and three, Babel and The Tower  of Gill James' Peace Child  series.  

Enjoy reading the episodes now.

View a complete list of ongoing and completed series here.

Titus Fogg hates magic, and with good reason. Born into a murderous family of cruel and powerful casters in modern Massachusetts, magic has contributed to every bad thing that has happened to him since birth. After finally managing to banish the most likely evil (but definitely dirty-minded) entity called Shade from his body to the sidelines as his shadow, Titus has the chance to have a normal, magic free,...View Series

On the day the riders came to town, they kidnapped Kella and brought her to Lord Perrin’s keep. To win her freedom, she must cure Perrin’s son from the magic poisoning his blood. Where Kella is from, it is dangerous if people find out that you are a magic-user. That’s why she and her mother had never settled in one spot for long—as soon as rumors started circulating about...View Series

A race of tiny magical beings lives on Earth today. They dwell in elaborate tree homes and mysterious underground sanctuaries. Because of an ancient dispute, humans are unaware of their hidden civilization.

They are kirins. 

For thousands of years they have lived in peace, but a deadly menace now threatens their existence. A party of daring explorers, led by the wise magician, Speckarin,...View Series

A tiny Cinnabar box contains the key to the water supply of an entire planet. The planet's ecology depends on a great river that periodically overflows. Only the key's rightful owner can restore the water supply, which has been hidden for centuries. The task needs a trained army – but for now, it is in the hands of fifteen-year-old Donna, who has just learned a shocking secret about herself....View Series

A portal to the enchanting world of Nature Spirits, this book allows you a tantalizing glimpse into the fascinating lives of elusive mythological beings who may have been living side by side with us since the beginning of time. You may have heard about some of them, but many others will surprise you! Unlike any other book written about these mythical beings, it shows how closely they are connected to the...View Series

"A ship in harbor is safe.... but that's not what ships are built for..." ~ John A. Shedd

Lucy Foxe’s mother has been missing for six months when her dad packs her off to grief camp in the middle of senior summer. Unable to bear another minute of the place, and unwilling to accept that her mother is actually dead, Lucy breaks out and heads for home the first...View Series

Jamie Hattori’s alter ego, the masked hero Kensei, has been doing pretty well protecting her neighborhood from petty villains with her martial arts skills, her father’s katana, and a little help from the local spirits. But things get rough when the spirits start flaking out, the Goddess of Discord throws a few cursed apples, and an online gossip site siccs an angry football player on her. Then...View Series

Leanne had Cara when she was still a teenager.  Now that her daughter is sixteen she wants her to understand.  She writes about her past in a book, but nothing is straight forward.  Who was Leanne before she had Cara?   

 View Series

In 2078, sixteen-year-old Ruby R-1046 is introduced to her future mate, Connor C-2246. Over half a century after an alien invasion pilaged our oceans and messed up Earth's natural orbit, what is left of humanity has survived by living in a large underground fall-out shelter that began construction after satellites first picked up alien transmissions in 2016. The complex is governed by strict, almost...View Series

What if your best intentions cost the lives of innocents? Follow Fletcher, a Muay Thai fighter, as he becomes a crime fighting vigilante in order to keep his brother safe in a dangerous city. And share the burden of this young man as his actions turn him from a do-gooder to a criminal and murderer.

 View Series

Jamie Hattori can't get a break. As the superhero Kensei, she defeated the goddess Eris and figured her life could just get back to normal. Or, at least, as normal as things can be when you fight crime and can talk to the spirit world. But now her girlfriend is flaking out on her, her parents have separated, and a World War Two supervillain has come back from the dead with plots to kill Jamie. ...View Series

Fortier is the story of Alfred Zeidan, a vicious, deadly and renowned vampire that secluded himself away from everyone for hundreds of years, until a message reaches him from his father calling for his return. 

Part of him knew that this was about the Bertrams, another family of vampires that are fierce rivals and sworn enemies of the Zeidans, in fact the sole reason why he...View Series

Jamie Hattori, who fights crime as Kensei, is not the only superhero in her neighborhood. Traffic Enforcer is an obsessed vigilante with a grudge against vehicular crimes. When a demon-possessed car begins terrorizing her neighborhood, Jamie is torn between protecting her neighborhood, maintaining her school responsibilities, and protecting the neighborhood from the other "hero."

 View Series

Rowan and Levi are two nineteen-year old’s living separate lives. They’ve grown up in New York City and at a young age experience the onset of depression that leads them through the rest of their lives. Rowan grows up, clinging onto other children, growing an obsession with other people, to where he always wanted to touch them and be around them. As time went on, it became worse and...View Series

A young boy immigrating with his parents from India to Canada finds himself at the tip of curious experiences. Increasingly alienated from his parents who are busy with 'the mortgage' and bringing him up in their own images, Somu rebels silently against his parents expectations of what a boy should be like.

According to his parents he should be good at soccer and math and an outgoing...View Series

In the year 3519 Rozia struggles to rebuild her shattered life.

She uses her U-log,  written in obscure Wordtext that only a few can read, to help herself to recover from  a serious injury,  to mend  a broken heart and to come to terms with a demanding new role. Will her new-found friends be able to help?  Especially when she meets an even greater challenge?

Rozia's...View Series

View a complete list of ongoing and completed series here.